The Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector (ManagiDiTH) is a four-year project, launched in January 2023 and funded by the European Union, with the aim of creating a new master’s degree curriculum that equips healthcare professionals with the competencies needed to develop digital services in the health sector. To achieve this objective, eight consortium partners from four European countries are involved in the project, including:
The project consortium won the European Advanced Digital Skills competition of the Digital Europe programme launched by the European Commission, and the ManagiDiTH programme will be developed in a transnational and intersectoral project, led by ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon. The programme’s objectives include the development of training references for level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework in the digital health sector, the creation of a multidisciplinary learning ecosystem, and the introduction of a pedagogical model that prioritizes problem-oriented learning strategies supported by digital tools.
The innovative pedagogical and technical skills of the consortium partners will be leveraged to create an integrated Master programme that builds on projects that have already been implemented within the consortium. Furthermore, there are several associated partners in the project, including Health Cluster Portugal, Thessaloniki’s Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, Finnish Diabetes Association, European Network of Living Labs Ivzw, The Union For Senior Services – Valli, Portuguese Red Cross, Adhd Hellas, and Hovi Group Oy.
Overall, the ManagiDiTH curriculum is a ground-breaking initiative that aims to transform healthcare systems and services across Europe, making them more efficient and effective. By equipping healthcare professionals with specialized digital skills, the programme will ensure that graduates are well-prepared to succeed in the rapidly evolving digital healthcare sector.
Work packages

Work packages (WPs) are a key component of the project management structure, and they work together to achieve the project’s overarching goals and objectives. In the figure above, you can see how different WPs work together. Below you can find more information about each work package.
The overall objective of Work Package 1 is designing the training programme of the Master’s course. This will have an interdisciplinary approach and will aim at disseminating advanced digital skills in the health sector.
Lead partner: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
The overall objective of Work Package 2 is the design of online training model to support the organisation of distance and hybrid training courses. This work package includes the design and configuration of a digital learning, the pedagogical and didactic planning of its implementation in e-learning and b-learning and design and production of the digital learning resources to be used.
Lead partner: Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki
Work Package 3 is dedicated to the co-design and implementation of an interdisciplinary training programme for capacity building of teaching staff involved in the Master’s programme. The teachers identified within consortium members teaching pool, experts in their subfield, will co-design the learning modules by using suitable digi-pedagogical tools, for example: MOOCs, gaming, videos, podcast, assignments, puzzles, webinars, online learning boards, and digital living labs to share and co-create knowledge and skills.
Lead partner: Laurea University of Applied Sciences
The overall objective of Work Package 4 is setting-up and delivery of the Master’s programmes in the different countries involved in the partnership, foreseeing two editions of each programme in each of the four consortium universities and two classes organised in a network through the online learning platform.
Lead partner: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Work Package 5 will have a crucial role in activating the project innovation ecosystem connected to the local RIS3 and fostering interaction between training, research and technology transfer. To do that we will boost strategic knowledge to support the action, research lines to support consolidation of the project intervention, and collaborative networks.
Lead partner: Instituto de Telecomunicações
Work Package 6 is responsible for Evaluation and monitoring of project implementation. This activity will run throughout the whole project implementation process, assuming a double perspective: supporting the capacity building of the actors involved in project implementation; monitoring and evaluation of results achieved by the project during its implementation.
Lead partner: Mundi Consulting
Work Package 7 is responsible for project management and partnership building. This activity comprises the planning, resource coordination, administrative and financial tasks inherent to the management of the project. Articulately, this activity includes the objective of designing and establishing a partnership and collaboration networking to support the project implementation, and to enable a wider cooperation framework in the fields of education, research and knowledge transfer.
Lead partner: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
The objectives of Work Package 8 are to design and implement communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy, develop a sustainability plan which enables sustainability of project activities, results and collaboration beyond the project lifetime, promoting the commercial exploitation of university R&I results and academic exploitation of research in academic publications, promoting diversity and organizing events for the public on specific topics related to the subject of the master’s degree.
Lead partner: Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Here you can find information about each work package.
The overall objective of Work Package 1 is designing the training programme of the Master’s course. This will have an interdisciplinary approach and will aim at disseminating advanced digital skills in the health sector.
Lead partner: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
The overall objective of Work Package 2 is the design of online training model to support the organisation of distance and hybrid training courses. This work package includes the design and configuration of a digital learning, the pedagogical and didactic planning of its implementation in e-learning and b-learning and design and production of the digital learning resources to be used.
Lead partner: Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki
Work Package 3 is dedicated to the co-design and implementation of an interdisciplinary training programme for capacity building of teaching staff involved in the Master’s programme. The teachers identified within consortium members teaching pool, experts in their subfield, will co-design the learning modules by using suitable digi-pedagogical tools, for example: MOOCs, gaming, videos, podcast, assignments, puzzles, webinars, online learning boards, and digital living labs to share and co-create knowledge and skills.
Lead partner: Laurea University of Applied Sciences
The overall objective of Work Package 4 is setting-up and delivery of the Master’s programmes in the different countries involved in the partnership, foreseeing two editions of each programme in each of the four consortium universities and two classes organised in a network through the online learning platform.
Lead partner: Gustave Eiffel University / ESIEE Paris
Work Package 5 will have a crucial role in activating the project innovation ecosystem connected to the local RIS3 and fostering interaction between training, research and technology transfer. To do that we will boost strategic knowledge to support the action, research lines to support consolidation of the project intervention, and collaborative networks.
Lead partner: Instituto de Telecomunicações
Work Package 6 is responsible for Evaluation and monitoring of project implementation. This activity will run throughout the whole project implementation process, assuming a double perspective: supporting the capacity building of the actors involved in project implementation; monitoring and evaluation of results achieved by the project during its implementation.
Lead partner: Mundi Consulting
Work Package 7 is responsible for project management and partnership building. This activity comprises the planning, resource coordination, administrative and financial tasks inherent to the management of the project. Articulately, this activity includes the objective of designing and establishing a partnership and collaboration networking to support the project implementation, and to enable a wider cooperation framework in the fields of education, research and knowledge transfer.
Lead partner: ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
The objectives of Work Package 8 are to design and implement communication, dissemination and exploitation strategy, develop a sustainability plan which enables sustainability of project activities, results and collaboration beyond the project lifetime, promoting the commercial exploitation of university R&I results and academic exploitation of research in academic publications, promoting diversity and organizing events for the public on specific topics related to the subject of the master’s degree.
Lead partner: Laurea University of Applied Sciences