Registration is now open for the ManagiDiTH project’s Launch Event online!
Date and time: Thursday, September 21st, 15.00 GMT+1, 16.00 CET, 17.00 EEST
Join us for the ManagiDiTH’s first online event, a two-hour webinar aiming at:
- exploring the main findings from the Skills Needs analysis and forecasting on Digital Health Ecosystem in Finland, France, Greece and Portugal
- hearing more about the future of health care through a specialized panel discussion about potential challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- launching the website
- networking with professionals in the field of health care, digital transformation and higher education
In the first part of this event we will hear about the main findings from the Skills Needs analysis and forecasting on Digital Health Ecosystem. This is the result of the analysis of a set of data and information collected through focus groups discussions, individual interviews, and desk research, conducted in April-May 2023, in Finland, France, Greece and Portugal. Its main objective was to identify the main trends in skills needs related to digital transformation processes in the health sector.
Speaker: Janet Smithson, Researcher of the ManagiDiTH at ISCTE
Facilitator: Henrique Martins, Professor at ISCTE & former President of the SPMS
In the second part of this event, the panel discussion will focus its debate on the topic of Artificial Intelligence, its challenges and potentialities in the future of health care, and the panelists include high-level experts from all four partner countries of the project, facilitated by the CEO of a private sector lead company in the Digital domain in Portugal.
The panel discussion will cover topics such as insights about AI in Health Care, the main trends in using AI in healthcare service and how health services will be impacted by AI developments.
The panelists are
- Ricardo Correia, Professor at Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
- Panagiotis Bamidis, Professor at Aristothelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece )
- Kaija Saranto, Emerita Professor, University of Eastern Finland (Finland)
- Adrien Ugon, Professor at ESIEE – Université Gustave Eiffel (France)
The panel will be moderated by Fernando Reino da Costa, CEO of Unipartner, IT Services, S.A.
Registration is now open!
See you on September 21st!