Want to find out about the future of digital services in the health care sector? Save the date!
Date and time: Thursday September 21st, 15.00 GMT+1, 16.00 CET, 17.00 EEST
The ManagiDiTH Consortium invites you to join the first event of the ManagiDiTH project, on 21st of September!
Future Skills and Digital Health webinar is our launch event for The Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector project. The event will feature a presentation of findings from Skills Needs Analysis on Digital Health Ecosystem in our four participating countries (Finland, France, Greece and Portugal) as well as a panel discussion about the challenges of AI for the future of health care.
The webinar introduces the findings from the Skills Needs analysis and forecasting on Digital Health Ecosystem. This is the result of the analysis of a set of data and information collected through focus groups discussions, individual interviews and desk research, conducted in April-May 2023, in the four countries. A cross-country report has been prepared with the main results that have been used to inform the design of the Curriculum of the master program. The panel discussion concentrates on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and the future of health care, and the panelists include experts from all four partner countries.
More information on our panelists, program and registration is coming soon.
The Master of Managing Digital Transformation in the Health Sector (ManagiDiTH) is a four-year project, launched in January 2023 and funded by the European Union. The main objective of this project is to create a new Master’s programme, which equips healthcare and IT professionals with the competencies needed to develop digital services in the health sector. The goal of the Master’s programme is to equip graduating students with understanding and knowledge to support digitalization of health care and to implement new procedures and services which require technological understanding and digital skills.
The project consortium consists of eight partners from four European countries (Finland, France, Greece, and Portugal), including ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Université Gustave Eiffel/ESIEE, It-ISCTE – Telecommunications Institute, Whymob, Lda., Clinipower Finland Ltd, and Mundiserviços – Companhia Portuguesa de Serviços e Gestão, Lda. There are also several associated partners in the project, including Health Cluster Portugal, Thessaloniki’s Association of Women with Breast Cancer “Alma Zois”, Finnish Diabetes Association, the European Network Of Living Labs (ENoLL), The Union For Senior Services – Valli, Portuguese Red Cross, Adhd Hellas, and Hovi Group Oy.